Welcome. I’m so glad you found me or my writing @mythic.feminine.

My name is Ginger, and I trust you’re here for a reason. 

I guide women on the Feminine path: the path of descent into the heart & the womb. Into the felt-sense world, eyes-closed, led by your own Deep Knowing. If you’re here, you are amongst the rare women who are re-membering the oracular wisdom of our wombs. Your heart possesses a deep, devotional current and you desire to offer yourself in service to the Earth and her greening. You are drawn to devote yourself to a depth of Union with Beloved that you know is possible, even though you do not see examples in the world around you.

You desire to be fully seen, fully received in your feminine range, and deeply cherished and filled/held by a Great Man. You desire to serve Legacy, Truth, and Love. And despite the static and interference of the ‘mundane world’, you retain a glimmer (or more) of genesian magic in your blood & bones.

Women interested in private mentorship in the realms of the Deep Feminine may apply here. This is custom mentorship and personalized guidance in devotional femininity and Union. Our work together is designed to gently entrain your system to the primordial design that is innately yours as a deeply Feminine being. We will ground your system back down into your Knowing and your Sovereignty.

You’ll be gently recalibrated to your natural feminine potency. No need to hustle or prove your worth. You will receive custom, guided devotional practices to deepen your capacity for pleasure, joy, and receiving and holding high sensations in your body and Womb.

You will re-template any distortions or painful knots in your relationship with men, father, the Masculine, and with God/the Divine. (All of which is foundational for receiving love, pleasure, and provision from men/the Masculine.)

If you are desiring deeper polarity in union, this mentorship is also for you.

Apply here

Not ready for 1:1 work? Start with my guided meditation & guided visualizations:

Drop Into the Safety & Intuition of Your Womb

Embody Your Feminine Longing

In service to Union & Truth,


P.S. You’re welcome to walk this path beside me gradually & gently. Feel free to join the Mythic Feminine newsletter and I’ll stay in touch with new offerings.